Nursing Education
A short video clip focused on using GoReact to demonstrate and evaluate sterile technique
Dr. Ali Galindo shows how nursing students use GoReact to demonstrate sterile technique, and nurse educators use it to give targeted, multimodal feedback.
Dr. Ali Galindo:
All right. So with sterile techniques, we know that students learn from the onset of their fundamental courses. And we talk about sterile technique, we talk about the chain of infection and the principles associated with this chain of infection. And we try and teach students to recognize when and if they break sterile technique. So in this next video, we have our student, Alice, one of our top students, learning how to dawn on sterile gloves. And let’s see if you can pick up.
Dr. Ali Galindo:
Now, this is some of the feedback that she received from her instructor. And I want to show you as if I am grading her right now out, or assessing her, because again, this is formative learning. There are various options. I can text right in the chat box, and I will do that. If I find that I’m having typing fatigue or I really want to stress something, I can hit the audio button and provide feedback that way. So I’m going to do that throughout here. And I’m also going to show you how to do the slow motion option, which allows me to rewind here with the back 10 seconds, there with the forward 10 seconds and slow down the speed so I can really assess if the sterile field was broken.
I will obtain my sterile gloves and make sure that this is a clean surface containing my sterile gloves. And I will open them and be mindful that I am only touching one inch of the outer corners.
Dr. Ali Galindo:
So now I am typing in, good point about the one inch border. And notice that the video stopped so that it allows me to type so I can make sure I don’t have any typos. And as soon as I hit enter, you’re going to see that the video will continue to play and it’ll show up on the screen.
And since I’m right hand dominant, I will be gloving my right hand first. So I will pinch the inside of the glove with my left hand and place my right hand in.
Dr. Ali Galindo:
Now, if I want to give an audio response, “Great point, you’re using your dominant hand,” I could hit this audio button. I don’t want to do it right now for the purpose of not mixing my speaker and my microphone, but it basically will have a little icon that will show up that’ll say record. You can record a message. And then on the feedback screen, you’ll see a little speaker show up there.