Higher Education
An interactive webinar where you can discover new ways to provide better, quicker feedback using video
Peter Morgan, Strategic Account Manager at GoReact, shares how to leverage video tools to assess and deliver more specific, timely and comprehensive feedback that motivates student growth.
Karenna Glover:
Welcome, everyone. We are so glad you are able to join us today for our webinar. My name is Karenna Glover. And I am on the marketing team here at GoReact and I’m just thrilled to have so many people with us and to get us started with Mr. Pete Morgan. Before I hand it over to Pete, just a couple points of housekeeping. Our presentation will last a total of about an hour. Pete will give his presentation for about 30 to 40 minutes and then we will have some time at the end to take your questions. And today’s presentation is intended to be interactive. So please, please, please submit your questions. We’ve gotten a lot of requests of what you want to see today in advance, so thank you all for that, but we ask you to continue adding your questions to the Q&A panel. And at the end, we’ll go through those and Pete will answer as many questions as possible. We’ll also run some polls today, again, to keep it interactive and to understand kind of what’s on your mind and what your needs are. So please participate in that.
You’ll also see a chat function. And that is intended to allow you to share any resources with other attendees, tell us where you’re from, what school you’re with. Please use that for any interaction with other attendees and use the Q&A for questions for Pete. And we are recording today’s full presentation. So if you have to sneak out before we finish, no worries. We will send it by email later today. And with that, I will hand it over to Mr. Pete Morgan.
Pete Morgan:
Thank you, Karenna. For everybody that’s here as well, let me just say my thank yous. Everyone that’s submitted responses and has joined here today, thank you for all the information. This is going to be a lot of fun. I hope to make it just what Karenna said, very interactive, lots of great information. And I really, really truly invite any type of participation. Please submit your questions. If there’s anything very specific or particular that needs to come out, I may even ask for some of you to come off of mute to elaborate on some of the points that you’re asking, whatever that may be. I would love to make this as engaging and as much of a discussion as possible as we get going.
I’m going to go ahead and I’m going to steal the show here, but share screen. And as we get started into these pieces, I have a few items that I kind of just want to set the stage with for everybody. I’d like to kind of kick off to where we have a mutual understanding. Through the signup process, everyone that was submitting requests as far as what we’re looking for and hoping to receive out of this webinar, there was every sort of response from, I know nothing about GoReact, give me everything. Down to very specific details, wanting to be seen in how we can maximize efficiencies, specific insights, drive better engagement. So I’m going to hope to cover all of those things, but to make sure that we all start on the same level, this foundation of understanding. I want to provide a little bit of a refresher, a recap if you will, onto some of the best practices of GoReact. Really the bread and butter behind what makes GoReact great. And then we’ll build on that from the perspective of greater efficiency, time saving, all those different pieces that you’ve been asking for.
So to get started here, I want everybody just to think and really keep this in mind. The drive behind GoReact. A true foundation of understanding that I rarely want everyone to grasp here is that GoReact in any regard, wherever it’s used, GoReact is the premier video-based skills development tool with assessment. Now, that’s a bit of a mouthful, totally understood, but just remember that in any space that we’re talking here, I want all of you to put yourselves in the shoes of where your courses, your disciplines, your organizations can utilize skill development through video. You’ll see video examples through here. I’m going to chat through a lot of different options, but think about where skill can be demonstrated, skills can be grown or enhanced, and how assessment comes into play there anywhere skill needs to be demonstrated in our perspective is a GoReact experience, and that’s what I’m going to try and portray through all of this.
So as that refresher, as a starting point for those of you that don’t know GoReact at all and for those of you that may be seasoned pros, we’re going to go through a little bit of what GoReact feels like and looks like from the instructor perspective, leaving assessment, providing feedback, and how students assess or provide their own skills demonstrations here. So to start off, I’m going to set up in this instructor role. I’m going to put that hat on here for a moment. As a foundation of understanding inside of GoReact, when it’s my time or my responsibility as the instructor to assess video, provide feedback, GoReact provides very deliberate simple actions to help maintain efficiencies on my place. When I have a video from a student that has been submitted in some type of demonstrable skill, as soon as I click to launch that video or I open up this assignment portal, GoReact does a few very simple and very deliberate things here for me.
Pete Morgan:
First, out of all, GoReact auto plays the student demonstrable skill. Now, in this case, you’re seeing someone who provide a speech. This can be an interview process, this can be a group presentation, this can be a simple speech, this can be any number of things that are demonstrable skills. So keep that in mind as you’re watching through this. As the video plays, again, I’m the instructor here. My responsibility is to provide feedback and assessment as to what’s happening in this given moment. As I leave feedback inside of this video, GoReact allows me to leave time embedded commentary. And as I leave feedback throughout the video, those comments are sectioned and deliberately placed into time embedded and time encoded spaces for reference. I also have the ability to leave things what we call markers, different forms of feedback in the form of video or audio threads. Anything to help portray and help my student or my learner here understand not only what has happened in any given moment of their skills demonstration, but how … Sorry. Why it has happened and how we can improve.
I also have tools at my disposal as the instructor, not to just leave feedback or the formative side of feedback, but also provide a summative feedback experience in the form of a rubric. GoReact carries a custom rubric builder that allows me to actually click and grade and assess this video in the moment while I do my work, both formative and summative. From the instructor perspective, there’s tons going on here. And so I imagine we’ll have questions towards the end around some of those best practices, but remember, GoReact provides everything I need as an instructor to assess this video. Deliberate feedback, simple instruction, and very specific summative engagement.
Now from the student perspective, really quick, like I said, this is going to just going to be a snapshot or refresher on some of those roles. From the student perspective, it also has to be this simple, okay? As a student, if I were to click to start an assignment, a few very key things happen here. GoReact, no matter where we’re coming from, whether we’re in goreact.com or whether we’re launching through an integrated instance, an LMS, publishing partner’s textbook or something of that matter, GoReact will always know and interpret who I am. As I launch into any type of video demonstrable skill, I have different options as a student to submit that skill. The only question I really ever have to answer in this space is, am I going to record specifically into GoReact or do I have a pre-recorded video that I need to upload into this space? Lots of option and opportunity to make sure that students are successful and can get their demonstrable skill placed in front of their instructor. But whatever it’s used that way, GoReact fuels it.
Now, as a quick snapshot, we’ll look very briefly at the GoReact recorder. The default recorder that engages a number of technologies and different options that are available to help students be successful demonstrating skill. Not only does GoReact provide the ability to record deliberately right here or inside of this space, but in addition to the direct recording, GoReact on the back end of any recording, inside of the recorder itself is optimizing and coding, making this video ready for playback. All of those features that take time in video upload. If any of you have ever dabbled in video, especially uploading into a third party source, you know that depending on the video file size, my internet connection, even the device that I’m working on, five minute videos can take 30 or 40 minutes to upload. What GoReact does here really well is combined a series of technologies to do all of that work in the same space. And as soon as I’ve completed this presentation, my demonstrable skill, GoReact will provide a snapshot of what I just recorded, allowing me to decide is this my best work? If it is as the student perspective and I post this video, it is automatically available for my instructor to begin their assessment portion. Launching to provide time embedded feedback, color-coded markers, grading off of a rubric. All of that combining because GoReact is intuitive enough and efficient enough to do it together.
Now, with that as a basis of understanding, GoReact is the premier video demonstration of skill tool with assessment. I want everybody just to make sure that we’re right engaged in that point. And if we’re all together in that space, I want to open up into really why I’m here. Like Karenna said, I’m Pete Morgan. I’m the strategic account manager for GoReact. And what I handle on a daily basis is the large scale efforts to maintain efficiency and grow GoReact use cases to function as best as possible. When I say that, I handle everything from our publishing partners like McGraw Hill Education, Macmillan Learning, Sage Publishing, all the way to our largest enterprise customers. Individual roles that utilize GoReact at huge numbers. National University, Grand Canyon University, Western Governors University. Our whole goal, my whole goal inside of GoReact, is to create experiences and build efficiencies that help programs to scale, to grow, to grasp the stickiness of GoReact throughout their curriculum so that students engage in the most enhanced ways possible and grasp learning quicker than ever.
So as we go through this, I’m going to start out with a poll question here. I want to know from all of your perspective a little bit around how everyone would be engaging with GoReact, some of you being specific users currently, some of you looking into GoReact. For third party tools, for anything that would be video based this way or GoReact in itself, are your users generally integrated through some type of LMS source, a partner publication, something that engages through an integrative standpoint or would you be utilizing GoReact through a .com instance? Neither answer is incorrect here. I want to make sure that’s really stated, but when we talk about scale, growth, the ability to do so efficiently, there is a very large push to understanding the benefit and the power from an integrated standpoint. So my role then in that space is to say if we have the ability to integrate GoReact, launch from an LMS standpoint, integrate through a publishing partner’s textbook, whatever we can do to streamline access to GoReact is a huge benefit.
Let’s see here. Oh, perfect. Here we are. There’s our poll question. So in this poll, I personally utilize this in an LMS launch and I’m going to show you what that looks like. So when we jump into the square here, I’m going to show you a few visuals as far as how GoReact can be leveraged through an LMS or through any type of streamlined process. So when we talk about true efficiencies inside of GoReact, this is a simulated space for Canvas. Now as an LMS, GoReact partners with all major LMS systems, Canvas, Brightspace, Blackboard, Schoology, we also embed in custom LMS systems with a little bit of extra work, but that all comes from my perspective and what we’re able to do there. The point that I’m making here though is that when we talk about goreact.com using GoReact outside of an integrated instance, we all should pretty much know that as an organization, we probably have a mutual starting space.
Everyone either has an LMS that they’re working with that houses their course, we have a group gathering space to be able to have lectures or communicate with one another. Goreact.com being used outside of that space means that I have two separate instances of tools that require their own login, their own credentialing, their own management, lots of different pieces to maintain there. And that’s GoReact as one additional tool there. If we have multiple third party engagement tools, there is a lot of different tools or management and logins and credentials that have to be managed there. Where GoReact really has some incredible stance here, and like I see from the poll question, seeing that just about 70% or just over 70% of users are through an LMS, the beauty of GoReact at an integrated standpoint is the ability here to have a starting point inside of an LMS where all students, all instructors are engaged in one space. And from that mutual starting space, GoReact can be launched and seamlessly accessed.
Now, I say that because rather than having to launch to the third party tool and log in, provide my credentials, be invited to a course, if we embed and integrate through the LMS or through a publishing partners textbook, some of our partners that way, GoReact is launch seamlessly, my account, whether I’m a student or an instructor, is created on the fly and my only requirement is to click and do, perform my action, demonstrate my skill, assess my students in one seamless path without any type of hurdle. That is where true scale comes into play. That’s where true efficiency from our perspective in our largest enterprise customers becomes a reality. The concept of being able to remove hurdles and be able to simply access this tool can be realized through the ability to integrate in some way.
Now, for those of you that are in goreact.com, don’t worry. That doesn’t mean that there’s no way to scale or no way to make efficiencies in this way. So what I want to start with is just that when the option is there, an integration of any type is a very good thing. If that’s a possibility, do it. If not, there are lots of ways in both instances. Goreact.com and in an integrated instance that we can maximize efficiencies in the use of GoReact. So with the foundation of scalability, the idea of being able to do things in large form and really build comfort and confidence here, my biggest goal for our partners and for our integrated customers, our large enterprise customers, is to do just that. How do we create comfortability and confidence in GoReact so that we can grow and scale, maximize efficiencies here? Too many times, in my opinion, this is full blown in my opinion, just to be frank. Too many times in my opinion, GoReact is implemented on the basis of what I talked about earlier, the bread and butter of video demonstration and assessment. And people that adopt GoReact go directly into that type of experience.
Now, that’s not a bad thing in any matter. No way. GoReact can be used in such incredible ways using that standard type of assignment, but from my experience at large scale, at better efficiency, at more or a deeper engagement, I’ve found that if we take a step back out of the role of requiring direct deliberate skills demonstration right now, GoReact houses a number of tools and a different assignment type that can make and build this comfortability and confidence of the user. I’m going to set the stage and start here with a very particular assignment type and logged in this space as a student. Okay. So from the student perspective, how do I become more in tune, and comfortable, and confident with a third party tool when I’ve never engaged with it perhaps or when I have no idea what I’m doing my first semester in school? How do we use a complicated and incredible tool like GoReact in a way that builds that comfortability and confidence?
I’m going to talk really quickly about an assignment type that we call Comment Only. The idea here is that when a student first launches into an engagement, first launches to GoReact, how do I set up the ability to become comfortable and confident with GoReact as a tool without requiring students to perhaps nervously record themselves or upload a video of yourself? GoReact houses this ability what I like to call the very first step of GoReact. The first intro in a best or worst practice analysis type of assignment. The key here is that before when we looked at GoReact in a standard assignment, as a student, I start the assignment, I record or upload my own video and my instructor provides assessment. If we take that step back to introduce GoReact through this type of portal, as a student, my responsibility here inside of this assignment is not to record myself. But when I click the start assignment handle here inside of GoReact, I’m presented with a brand new window. Let’s see. [inaudible] think that I need to. I might need refresh this really quickly. My apologies. Let’s see.
So essentially I’ll speak through this and try and make it work on the back-end here, but essentially GoReact is going to house the ability to allow me as a student to launch into a brand new GoReact experience that is prepopulated with video. As I engage with that video, it is something that is already assigned and provided here by my instructor so that I can assess video in the very beginning. I’m going to re-log in here really quickly just so that I can get into place and show you what this looks like. Okay. So if I can start the assignment here as a student.
Pete Morgan:
There we are. So as a student, my first responsibility in a comment only assignment, this best or worst practice analysis assignment, is to watch someone else do what I’ll be expected to perform throughout the course of this semester or for this particular assignment. When I get to watch a best practice or a worst practice video, as a student, I get to step into the role of the evaluator. I get to leave time embedded feedback that allows me to assess the video in front of me, what is going well, what’s going poorly, what’s being done incorrectly, whatever, but I build and maintain a bit of this idea, this conceptual option to assess what’s happening in front of me and understand how my video will be assessed by my instructor or my peers even throughout the rest of the semester. In our participation, our largest enterprise customers with some of our greatest successes, this type of assignment is being used as that intro to GoReact so that students are able to become more comfortable and confident with all of GoReact’s processes before they ever have to record themself in progress, before we ever have to engage in my own ability to show off skill. Let me see how I will be assessed, understand how I can provide assessment, and move step by step into where I will be demonstrating that same skill and receiving the assessment on the back-end.
Now, some of our greatest successes here, just a list a few, are publishing partners like McGraw Hill and Macmillan. Both utilize this in different disciplines to help leverage that first taste of GoReact. McGraw Hill specifically just barely built a brand new integration through a music appreciation course. The ability to watch a symphony and call out very deliberate keys, or notes, or instruments throughout a symphony helps students to build a foundation of understanding, become comfortable with the idea of recognizing certain keys, notes, instruments, people, responsibilities, and then when I perform that same type of action, I know exactly how I will be assessed or what things will be noted or paid attention to throughout my presentation. Some of our other large enterprise customers, people like Western Governors University for example, utilize this functionality in healthcare, in nursing practicum, being able to assess and see how demonstrable skills should be performed leading up to that pinnacle moment where that same student should be performing the skill on their own. This as a first step is incredibly powerful and will provide a perfect intro to GoReact as we get comfortable and confident with a new tool or the building and expansion of GoReact as a tool.
Now, next really what I want to see here is from GoReact’s perspective, there’s lots going on. There’s a ton that can be happening here and I’m going to leave just a little bit of a teaser for everyone. My invitation for anybody that’s here watching the recording is if there’s anything from GoReact that seems like it could be useful, if you’d like to implement anything this way. I’m not going to go into extreme depth and detail into how to implement these things. Please reach out to anybody from the GoReact team from sales, business development, from anybody that way so that you can receive further information on best practices to implement.
Part of that invitation comes with this. When we become comfortable and confident with GoReact, we have a first intro in some type of comment at only assignment perhaps. Users are going into standard assignments and filming themselves or recording themselves in their demonstrable skills. How do we continue maintaining efficiencies and building in new forms of technology to allow for even further or even better engagement and more authentic demonstrable skill? So as a bit of a teaser here, I’m going to talk just a little bit about what we call a … Sorry. I’m going to go into a live observation. GoReact houses an assignment type that is called live review. A live review assignment is being leveraged by multiple of our partners, one of them at the largest scale is Western Governors University, utilizing this in teacher prep. The idea behind live review is that GoReact houses the patented technology to house a live streaming video that is populated and accessible in the same moment that it’s being recorded by instructors, by peer evaluators, or anyone that should have access to this video throughout a course. Think to yourselves then this idea. When I have a student that is recording themselves their demonstrable skill and a standard assignment, the whole interaction of receiving feedback is asynchronous.
In this case, for live observations, live review assignments, GoReact houses the ability not only to allow any given student to launch and begin recording a live review right here in the moment, which I’ll show you, but also allow the instructor, allow peer evaluators to access this video in the same moment that it’s being recorded … I’m going to change my camera angle here really quick. And gain back a time savings that is completely lost. Or not to say lost. That’s a bad word. That can be completely deterred from when we have to engage asynchronously. Student records video, I then watch it after the fact and leave feedback. GoReact houses this ability now inside of a live review assignment that when a student begins recording a live streaming video through live review. And when I talk about Western Governors University, their ability to do this within teacher prep is to say, “I need to assess the most authentic and engaged uses of GoReact interactions with different people in the moment.” True, authentic, elaborate … Sorry. True, authentic assessment. While this recording is happening right now from the student perspective, as an instructor, if I go back into this space and I log in as myself, I as an instructor logging into this space will be able to watch that live streaming video as it happens right here in the moment without any type of issue.
I’m going to scroll here really quickly. Sorry. This is popping up everyone. There you go. So I’m going to go back to my GoReact course as if I’m the instructor. My student on the back-end is recording this video. They’re doing it in a live format. If we’re inside of a teacher prep organization, that particular student may be inside of a classroom. If we’re inside of a nursing practicum or some type of healthcare, we could be inside of a patient’s room interacting that way. In GoReact in this exact moment that I’m watching as or as the student is recording their video, I as an instructor here through that same live observation can join the live streaming video as a participant and in this exact moment, be leaving time embedded feedback, color coded markers, grading off of a rubric in the same synchronous moment that the video is being recorded.
For all of you that might be able to engage in this way, think presentation day, think the most authentic assessment of skill in the moment, think about your weekends that you get to gain back doing assessment in the moment rather than having to provide that assessment asynchronously after someone has submitted a video on Friday night at 6:00 PM. This is a way for GoReact to engage one further or go one step deeper into engagement at scale and provide time saving through efficiency. Now, I’ll leave that as a teaser. That’s just a little bit of a touch on what that can do. There are so many different engagement points that can be utilized in that space and all of that to be in your invitation to reach out and understand more through a direct call with one of our representatives.
Now with a few of the options that are available there through GoReact and some of those success stories for some of our largest customers, I want to introduce a last poll question here and a last topic that builds a little bit on the idea behind the preference in how these engagements are being set up, the focus behind these engagements. Again, neither of these answers that I have in the poll here are incorrect. However, from all of your perspectives in the courses that you’re teaching and utilizing, is there more of a driving focus behind the instructor’s ability to customize a learning experience or is there a drive for data, the ability to interpret data and understand trends over time through these learning engagements? As you answer this poll and as this goes into play, I’m just going to elaborate and explain for a moment. Like I said, neither answer is incorrect, but think about the world of communications, for example. Public speaking, communications, business comms. There is so much of a personal touch by each instructor that teaches in those disciplines. There are individual rubrics, things that people have used for years in the past. And the ability to retain instructor autonomy or the instructor ability to customize those experiences is incredibly important.
On the flip end, in areas that we see very much trending for teacher preparation, nursing education, healthcare practicum, these areas really focus on the driving points of data to understand what trends are happening over time, what types of curriculum are successful, and what needs some adjustment to make the greatest impact. Perfect. Okay. So for a lot of you, the ability for an instructor to have the autonomy or the ability to customize and experience is incredibly important. Almost 75% of you. For the rest of you, data trends over time. The topic that I’m going to introduce here is one that’s incredibly useful for anyone across the board. GoReact on top of the experiences that you see here, what we’ve seen so far in the engagement, houses inside of the instructor autonomous, that instructor customizable experience. GoReact enables the ability to download and hone in on data for entire courses for very specific assignments. There are ways for us to understand and interpret the data that’s coming across to better evaluate an individual instructor’s work and their efforts, the way that their teaching is being grasped and engaged, or the course as total.
When we talk about the ability for data driven points, I’m going to focus on this for just a second because of some of the technology that the business development team, myself and the VP of biz dev and strategy, have helped to build and develop with this key focus. If there is ever the need, the desire, the requirement to queue in on key data points leveraged by an LMS integration or some type of partner publication integration to understand trends over time, GoReact has recently released the ability to access all of those data points. By all the data points, I’m talking about grading and all evaluation through a rubric. Each one of the data points that are provided through standardized central designed rubrics and the clean data points that can be provided by that. Direct grading criteria, general usage, comments made, rubrics used, markers enabled. All of these different data points to help understand what has happened across the timeline of a particular assignment or different engagement area and how curriculum can be adjusted, enhanced, switched to make sure that credentialing, make sure that certification, make sure that different areas of expertise are honed in on and are enhanced to their greatest ability to make GoReact, make these experiences, make learning sticky, make it tangible, make it applicable and consumable by that end user.
GoReact enables a data API, what we call the insights API that can track all of that usage, all of those different data points from a single hub. So depending on how you answered that poll, if the ability for instructor autonomy is key here, GoReact inside of the assignment, each assignment and each rubric can be downloaded to understand those things. If our focus, however is data-centric data-specific, through our scalable efforts through the successes that GoReact has been able to build in this regard working with large entities like those that I’ve listed previously, we can design and build centrally designed or central-specific experiences that hone in and queue off of that data. Provide perfect insight as to what needs to happen going forward to make sure that students are successful, engagement is happening well, and curriculum is sticky. Curriculum is consumable.
There’s a ton that can happen through GoReact in this way. There’s a lot that we’ve seen incredible success from in the back end. National University, for example, is one of those that has really taken hold of this data API, the insights API, and it is the key driver for success of curriculum by moving forward. Understanding what trends or what specific even assignments or in teacher preparation where a national university is really driving force, where different TPEs or statewide standards for teaching are thriving through the curriculum, which ones are not being grasped as easily, and what can change through curriculum to make sure that it is being adopted or consumed in the best way by the learner. There’s a ton that we can learn doing here together that is accessible by data and through a very minimal effort of central design. Integrating through an LMS and providing that avenue of streamlined access, we can build incredibly efficient time saving and better student engaging experiences through GoReact.
Now, I can see populated through here a number of questions that have come through the QA. This is everything that I want to show for today, leaving a bit of data that [inaudible], that teaser for everyone, but I really would love to then end up and open the ability to ask some of those or hear some of those QA questions. And through those QA questions, elaborate on some of the pieces that we’ve seen today. Elaborate on how we can better put into context what’s been shown, how we can best apply and put into practice some of those concepts. So Karenna, why don’t we start with that? Why don’t we jump to the QA and we can get engaged with some of these people that have been listening and participating so far?
Karenna Glover:
Awesome. Well, thank you so much, Pete. You’ve showed a lot and there’s been so much engagement, which is great to see. So thanks for all the participation from the audience. So I’m just going to run through … start at the top and run through some of these questions. I’ve kind of clustered some of them together that seem to be relevant. So Pete, we’ll start with the first one. How can the saved recordings stay for more than one semester or be transferred for later use?
Pete Morgan:
Great question. So especially as we think about utilizing video as evidence, right? There’s a lot of draw in the idea of e-portfolios or being able to track my own experience, my own demonstrable skill over time. So I love this idea of being able to retain or house those demonstrable skill sets over semesters. Year by year even or providing the evidence that way. Inside of GoReact, one of the ways that is utilized in this way is this. GoReact as a whole because it launches or is being used on a semester by semester basis. New courses have different people. And for security compliance and privacy requirements, we can’t allow for a video to live perpetually or cross the threshold of another course. So from the student perspective or from an instructor’s perspective, if we need to own or house these videos semester by semester to keep that virtual log, the evidence of my skill over time and the way that I’ve developed, anyone that records a video inside of GoReact or the instructor that owns the course here has the ability to take my video that’s been uploaded or recorded into the platform and download that video or that media type.
If I download that video, it comes to the device that I’m utilizing. Now, this can be on my desktop, my tablet, my phone, but the key point there for security, privacy, and compliance is the owner of that video has the ability to retain this evidence of skill. If that is what is desired there to track, and house, and own those skills over time, that’s exactly where GoReact then will continue to be. That’s exactly where GoReact will be provided in the best way to own those skills and house them as perhaps an e-portfolio or that evidence of skill over time. Great question there. If that didn’t hit the mark, please feel free in that same Q&A or in the chat to elaborate. Go deeper and we’ll handle that question as we go along. But perfect, perfect question. I love it.
Karenna Glover:
Awesome. Thank you, Pete. I think this question is somewhat related, but working within an LMS, does a student account carry over for future courses so they still have access to their prior work and feedback?
Pete Morgan:
Yeah. Great question. Especially as we look back in time. If I need to continue learning or self evaluating to see where I’ve come from and what I can continue to learn, GoReact … When we talk about the video component, videos by GoReact by law, those that are uploaded or recorded in a GoReact, have to be maintained for five years. That’s just part of the law of technology this way. So for any student that still has access to their LMS, the login credentials, their account still is retained through their LMS, they have access to go back into those previous courses, launch the same GoReact assignment they had access to in that space and access their videos. I’ve been able to do that in the past for my time way back when in the university. But accessing professional sales courses or accessing development courses where I can see myself through GoReact action. And if needed, download that video so that it’s not lost in time after that five year mark or see myself in action and utilize GoReact as my housing of that tool or that demonstrable skill throughout my time in the university. As long as I still have access to the LMS and I have access to my previous courses, I can access GoReact.
Karenna Glover:
Great. Thank you, Pete. So this one I’m going to ask you in two parts, sort of combining two questions. So the first question is how does one set up an account for GoReact? And the second one is, is it true that each group member or student within a course must have their own account created as a user in GoReact?
Pete Morgan:
Okay. And through the chat, please feel free to elaborate a little bi. But it sounds to me like this is goreact.com specific. The idea of new account, invitations to that account, and account creation. If we go into goreact.com, the way to create an account is very simple. Know this, instructor accounts through GoReact are always free. As an instructor, you are able to go in and create an account, build a course, start playing around with these things, but the invitation and the using of that course by a student perspective is where then the paid interest comes into play where a student needs to either provide an access code or pay for the course in some way. As an instructor, I can go to goreact.com if I’m utilizing a .com instance and log in or sign up. When I launch into this window, oh, you see because I already launched it once before, it will … It’s throwing me here. But essentially if I go into sign up or to sign in, I have the ability in GoReact to either log in with previous credentials or create an account. From the instructor perspective, this is creating an account and opening up the doors to GoReact as a course.
I’m going to go ahead and just sign in as I would normally, but from inside of that course when I launch here into this space, if I need to invite users or I want to open up the access to this course, I can provide either a shareable link to my students or the course that’s available there or I can invite individual email addresses by role. And in that case, to answer the second part of the question, yes, each student would have to maintain their own login, their own account, and be accessed inside of this particular course to be housed in this space. When we talk about the idea of a GoReact experience through an LMS, if we’re integrated, the housing of the account or the creation of the account is already done on the fly when we launch to a GoReact experience. So the only account I would ever need to own in this type of experience is my LMS account, is my access to the university through the LMS. Once I have that in an integrated instance, I simply can click and launch into GoReact without ever having to manage a secondary account. I don’t ever have to be invited to a course. I’m already a part of my course inside of the LMS and I launched to do my work inside of GoReact seamlessly.
I hope that helps answer that question a little bit and provide some insight to the two different options. Yes, if we’re in GoReact.com, each student and instructor has to manage their own account. If we’re inside of an integrated instance, access and account provision is on the fly and seamless.
Karenna Glover:
Awesome. Great way to sum that up. Thank you. Okay. So this one is a little bit more involved in terms of the setup. So hang with me while I give you this one. So here’s a situation with athletic training students who conduct simulated virtual medical and behavioral health interviews. They record the interaction where one access the clinician and the other is the patient. And a third student then evaluates the interaction. They are currently using Zoom so that the evaluator can see both students at the same time. But since it’s virtual, they are both on their own computers and their own cameras. Is this type of assignment something that can be used with GoReact or would they have to conduct and record the assignment with Zoom and then upload it directly into GoReact?
Pete Morgan:
This is a fantastic question and is so specific. Whoever left that, thank you, thank you, thank you. That is wonderful. Okay. In GoReact experience, this is a great way to talk about group presentations. GoReact houses, embedded within this tool, the ability to record a group presentation synchronously inside of the tool. Now, you may have noticed previously that as a student or as a user going into use GoReact when I continue into this space. You may have noticed earlier that we have a partnership with Zoom that allows for students to record in Zoom and upload those videos or even draw Zoom cloud recordings as demonstrable skill. The difference here clearly put is that GoReact is not trying to be Zoom. Zoom is an enterprise style or a large scale video conference system. GoReact in group recording is a small scale web conferencing system.
So when we talk about those two options, Zoom for one, is where I would utilize inside of a GoReact course. I would utilize Zoom when an audience or the group coming together is 10 or more participants. That’s where Zoom really becomes a powerhouse in the ability to house 100s or large audiences. When we talk about smaller engagement, like the example said, one student that is providing the interview, one that is answering the questions authentically, and another student that is assessing the evaluation, anything of nine or fewer participants is allowed to engage in a group recording session right here inside of GoReact. Now, the way that this happens is that GoReact allows students to join one another in a synchronous recording space. It requires some coordination, but nothing outside of what’s already been being done in that situation in Zoom.
We all need to know when we’ll be joining each other, we all need to gather into that synchronous recording space. And while two engage in the interview, one provides assessment. In this space what can be provided inside of GoReact is not only the ability for students to record with one another, but in set up being set up properly. This type of engagement can also house very simple requirements or abilities like being able to leave time embedded feedback and commentary in the moment. Grading off of a student rubric, something that isn’t tied to the grade book perhaps and passing back into the LMS. A student, that third observer there, can engage in the form of text feedback, color coded markers, or rubric criteria. GoReact houses the ability to combine or to allow the web conferencing of those multiple students, multiple presenters that is nine presenters or less in the same frame and utilize this space.
So hopefully that’s a good visual for you as far as a few students gathered together recording and actually speaking as if they were face to face, though they’re completely remote and in different spaces. The join handle or the area where I would be joining that space is shown here. When one student starts a presentation and engages within GoReact, this join handle becomes available for the participating students, the others that need to be engaged in that time to simply click and join and be presented within the GoReact recorder. Now, with one single video thread, you just see me here. But if there were multiple students, GoReact will accumulate those students within this window and will optimize their screens to take up as much real estate as possible.
Two students in this window take a split screen as much possible real estate with two participants. Four goes to a two by two grid, nine, a three by three grid, but GoReact is intuitive enough to optimize that window and show as much of each participant’s video as possible for visual indicators of skill. Posture, verbal expressions, nonverbal expressions, all sorts of things in between there, which is why GoReact retains nine or less as our web conferencing ability and partners with Zoom for 10 or more participants within that same window. So hopefully that helps. And if that doesn’t answer everything, please reach out to us. We would love to engage and build this experience for you to make sure that it is used in the best way possible.
Karenna Glover:
Awesome. We did have a comment that the group recording will work nicely. So I think you explained that perfectly, Pete.
Pete Morgan:
Karenna Glover:
A question that’s somewhat similar. How many people can join a live review at the same time?
Pete Morgan:
Great question. This gets exciting because this is where GoReact really starts to look very cool. When we talk about a group recording presentation, the actual videos that are being engaged together in a synchronous space, like I said, the cap is nine. When we talk about though the live observation, a live review assignment, one student or if set up through the settings, a group of students limited to nine can be presenting their windows. The participants different definition there, the participants of that video, those that will be assessing the live video as it’s being recorded, GoReact is very proud to say that we allow for up to 2,500 participants in that window. Now, all of that is dependent on the systems that we’re on, the devices that people are utilizing, making sure that they can engage in live video, but the cap four participants is pretty much untouchable. There is no way that I think most of you or the majority or even all of you would ever reach 2,500 participants watching into a single video and providing assessment. That’s a very large class number. GoReact has been optimized in such a way that that live engagement can be engaged with by that number.
However, my suggestion in best practice here is that if you have even 10 or 12 participants leaving feedback on a single video, feedback can become incredibly repetitious. There is a lot that we’ve seen in past experiences where five, 10, 20 participants in a single video leave the same marker in the same moment because they notice the same skill. That can become very muddied in the way that data is interpreted and very repetitive throughout that feedback window. So my personal suggestion is to say, yes, there is an unreachable number of participants that can engage in a live review assignment. However, best practice is to scale back and say provide a few students or participants the responsibility to leave feedback. The rest of those, the other number of those can engage in a more simplistic view to watch and listen to the presentation as it’s happening live and learn from what’s happening. That will be my suggestion for now. Any additional or any deeper engagement there further questions, please reach out to a GoReact representative. We would love to chat more about that.
Karenna Glover:
Awesome. Okay. So we’re coming up on our hour. So I’m going to hit you with one more scenario-based question and then a couple other just general GoReact questions before we wrap up. So the scenario that’s been requested is there’s a teacher prep case scenario and the TPEs can mark within the video. What’s the best way to mark a TPE and annotate?
Pete Morgan:
Perfect. Okay. This is where National University is a key player in TPEs. For those of you that are in teacher preparation, you know that the ED TPAs or in California specifically where National University is found, the CalTPAs are a ridiculous number of competencies that need to be seen in each one of those videos. National University has been a perfect example on how to streamline that process to make sure that annotations are found through the video to key in on or call out very specific TPEs as well as mark those TPEs as a graded or evaluated purpose. What we did together in the early stages with the national university was build a first … Sorry. Build first a rubric that houses the actual assessment of each one of those TPEs. How are they being assessed? What needs to be monitored? How are they being improved or what’s the scale of improvement there? To reflect the rubric through annotations, we help to build a marker set like we saw inside of GoReact. I’m going to go back to this basic GoReact assignment and open this up just for a visual.
Pete Morgan:
So first we built a rubric that was specific for all of the TPEs that catered to how that grading scale would be and how we can improve to reflect the TPEs being assessed here and provide annotation through the video. We built a marker set, which by the way, marker sets are completely customizable, editable, rearrangable, but when we build these pieces out, a marker set can house all of the same calls to TPEs 1.1 through 34.5 and each of those options available to be clicked on and annotated in any given moment throughout the video frame as a student indicator of learning. As I read through the annotations, I can have a visual indicator of a particular TPE that is demonstrated in this specific video and through a posted rubric by my evaluator or my instructor, see how that TPE was graded, and what that means as far as improvement. Where it was shown through the video and annotated reflected with the description and the understanding of how grading was done or what my description of grading has been completed as.
If that helps, that’s part of the central design process that I talked about in the idea of data. When we’re tracking data over time, the ability to launch from an LMS, an integrated instance, and centrally design perfect GoReact experiences to help maintain that progress over time, that is where GoReact comes into play or somebody like myself will come in and help to build out those experiences to match your vision, this idea of application and annotation through functional GoReact experiences.
Karenna Glover:
Awesome. Thank you, Pete. Thanks for showing that. Okay. So we have three questions left. I think we have time for just three. Can the video recording background be replaced with a green screen or another favorite background?
Pete Morgan:
Yeah. Great question there, especially when we talk about privacy. What needs to be known here as a blanket statement is when we talk about the standard of a VPAT or the voluntary security privacy and assessment that can happen throughout … for a company like GoReact. Nationwide Standard, the standards of excellence, if you will, is to be accessible and provide things like that for security, privacy, and compliance around 70 or 80%. Meaning that 70 to 80% of a tool needs to adhere to those rules. That’s pretty much the golden standard. GoReact for security, privacy, compliance, and accessibility. Things like blurring backgrounds, things like closed captions, things like limiting visibility so that we don’t have any type of privacy triggers from different course members. GoReact is 99.999% secure, accessible, and private. The only thing that does not adhere to that rule is this. The small feedback graph that you can see underneath any of these videos is not readable by a screen reader for accessibility purposes. So this is unreadable for those that have visual impairments or hearing impairments. And for that reason GoReact is not 100% accessible, secure, and private. But in that regard, GoReact is the leader. It is an absolute gold standard plus one in the ability to do those things.
When I use the GoReact recorder, I have the ability to blur out my background. If I’m in that space as well, I also believe that we have the ability to insert images like what Zoom does and populate the background in that wave. If not, the blurred background itself is able to adhere to that accessibility and privacy standard. But any thought that way, GoReact is far beyond and far above the standard when it comes to maintaining privacy, security, and compliance.
Karenna Glover:
Awesome. Okay. Two left. Is there a monthly cost to GoReact or how are the fees arranged?
Pete Morgan:
Yeah. Great question. So if we’re talking about GoReact for an individual course, small scale, GoReact is done … is paid for on a semester by semester basis. Those types of things, as far as pricing, should be reached out to a GoReact representative to understand what scale you’re working at and how it’ll be implemented. When we talk about growth in scale, we reach certain numbers as far as how many people will be utilizing across an organization or in some cases like our enterprise customers, the entire organization that will be leveraging GoReact in some way. That begins to go on an annual basis where we provide access for an entire year to any given student as many courses as they would like under a single fee. So those types of discussions are great to have with a GoReact representative. But no, the smallest scale currently is a semester by semester access point. Largest scale is the ability to access GoReact across the entirety of a year under a single payment.
Karenna Glover:
Awesome. Thank you. And finally, the last question. Does GoReact support different languages such as Spanish?
Pete Morgan:
Great question. So this is a little bit two pronged, I’d say. We have incredible success through some of our publishing partners when it comes to world languages, learning of target languages and different languages being spoken throughout the platform or learned in that way. When we talk about GoReact as a tool, the closed captioning or the wording, the different pieces that you see here as far as verbiage GoReact currently is available through the English language in that way. So instructions, the write outs, what’s being provided through this space and launched from different entities is done in the English language. For the use of target languages, if we’re thinking about something in world languages, we have incredible publishing partners that are seasoned pros at making some of those things work and allow for GoReact experiences to be used by native speakers in other languages.
Karenna Glover:
Awesome. All right, Pete. Well, we are right just over our hours. So any closing thoughts from you?
Pete Morgan:
My thanks to everyone that is here and that’s participated so far. Incredible questions. And my invitation is just that for any discussion, reach out to a GoReact representative, whether that be myself or some of our direct sales AEs. We are so eager to speak to you about how we can best implement GoReact and maintain your vision in functional GoReact experiences. There’s a lot to be done there and incredible power behind video-based education and video-based competency. Let us help you out. That’s fantastic.
Karenna Glover:
Super. Well, thank you so much, Pete, for this great presentation and thanks to all of our attendees for joining today and really making it an interactive presentation. We really appreciate you giving us the time. And be on the lookout for recording. And we hope to see you again on a future GoReact webinar.