Higher Education
A short video clip about one key feature in GoReact that is a game changer when it comes to providing feedback
Discover what one feature in GoReact ensures that feedback has greater emotion and accuracy.
Patricia Heydet-Kirsch:
My last thing I wanted to talk about was the tone. We found recently that the little microphone you can use where you want to say an annotation and you want to say it into a microphone. Rather than type something out, the microphone adds that element that we all have noticed is missing in text messages or in email sometimes, which is how your inflection and how your excitement shows up when you actually have a video recording. Now, we’re coaching our assessors to use that microphone and share your enthusiasm and make it apparent, not just, “Good job,” which we don’t want as an annotation, we want you to share when at this point in the video, this is exactly what we’re talking about with this standard, the way that you do this and the way that you bump up that higher order thinking using these two verbs, it’s just incredible. The tone is what really matters there.