Nursing Education
See how nursing faculty use GoReact video assessment software to give personalized feedback on student communication skills and techniques
See how nursing faculty use GoReact video assessment software to give personalized feedback on student communication skills and techniques.
Hi, my name is Patrick Luna. I’m a nursing instructor with the University of Colorado College of Nursing.
Today I’m going to be going over how to teach communication skills and techniques with GoReact.
Within GoReact, I have this unique feedback mechanism, and I can give students direct feedback on their communication style and technique. And we all know how essential this is to a nursing student’s development, especially early on in their nursing student career.
So what I can do is go into specific points and provide specific feedback on their communication style and technique using either a patient interaction or a scenario that I’ve given them beforehand. I use this into my didactic course by giving them scenarios and having them role-play and upload videos.
So I can also use a video feedback mechanism, and the advantage of this is that the students can actually see me. They can see my facial expressions. They can see my nonverbal. They can see my gestures. And in this way, I can role model communication for them.
So this is a great way to assure that our nursing students have the communication style and technique that will help them be successful as nursing students.