Teacher Education
Hear why mentors and teachers across Ohio love using GoReact
After trying a number of different ways to use video for observations, Bowling Green State University knew they needed a solution that could do more and cost less.
Cindy Ross:
Just some reasons why we chose GoReact. And I will say that before we used GoReact, we actually did use another video service. So we’ve been using video for quite a few years. We even tried to do video on our own where teachers would video and then send it to us. That was extremely cumbersome, no doubt. So we knew that we needed some other type of service to be able to use. And again, keep in mind that we have about 300 teachers just in our Career Tech Program all over the state of Ohio. So you can imagine the expense of trying to do some of these things and GoReact ended up being something that’s a less expensive tool for us to use than the travel costs.
One of the best things that we’ve discovered is the ease of use for students, our traditional students here on campus that use it, our teachers, our Career Tech teachers because many of them, this is a second career for them. The average age of those individuals is 47 years old. So they’re not 20 years old, 22 years old that have a comfort level of technology sometimes. And then our mentors, as Dawn stated, are retired Career Tech teachers and administrators. And so they are the ones that we actually talk to a lot about GoReact and they absolutely love GoReact so much and we just do not have any issues with the use of it. We also are very grateful that GoReact has very good support and training and in our Canvas shells, we even provide the videos that are available that GoReact has for how to use… We actually give our students a quiz on watching those videos. They have to watch those videos so that they learn about React and then there’s an assignment for them to complete a quiz on that.
It in integrates very easily with our LMS system, which we use Canvas. The other tools in the past that we’ve used, we’re not able to do that. It has been less expensive for us. And the beauty of it when it comes to feedback, it’s real time, the markers and some of you even mentioned that in the chat about the use of markers, the built-in rubrics and those rubrics seamlessly flow into Canvas for us. So there are just lots of different tools that are available that work very well for us and for our teachers and students.