Higher Education

Crafting AI Policies From an Interim University President

A short video clip on who should be involved and what should be prioritized for any campuswide policy on artificial intelligence

Hear what one thing is most critical when designing an AI policy for your institution. Watch the Full Webinar


Catherine Wehlburg:

I’ve seen several at other institutions and they’ve been the range of, no, you can’t use it at all, which is maybe a little bit, I don’t know, overly dramatic because we already are using it in a lot of ways and measuring whether or not they use it can be difficult.

Actually on my campus, we just had a faculty-led discussion about the brave new world of AI and I had a religion faculty who talked about the ethics of it. I had computer science faculty talking about the mechanisms and all of that. And we had other faculty kind of chime in with how they might use it and how they would not want to use it kind of as a precursor for developing some kind of a policy that would sit in under our student honor code and talking with plagiarism.

And I think that on any campus, AI is changing daily practically. And I think that any policy we have is going to have to be revised as we move forward and look at that in more ways.