Higher Education

Embracing AI in Education: A Shift From Creators to Co-Pilots

A video clip about how student and educator roles must adapt to AI tools

Bert Verhoeven, an educator at Flinders University in Australia, emphasizes the value of integrating AI into teaching and how it’s shifted traditional student and educator roles.


Bert Verhoeven:

What we have done is we have integrated from the first semester here in Australia, which started in February until now into all our teaching. So we have said to our students, you have to use it, it’s not an option for you anymore. You have to use it in everything you do. You need to use AI. And we gave them a framework for that and we taught them how to use it as well. And we learned from teaching them because it’s so new, we were doing our own experiential learning ourselves and learning by doing. And I think what we learned from that, my main learning from that is that our roles are changing. So our roles as teacher or as marketing manager or as educator, it doesn’t matter what kind of knowledge work you are, our role has changed since the introduction of ChatGPT or other large language models as a learning tool and as a copilot.

That is I think is the core of this discussion that will never be the same again. Our roles will now forever be changed and we will not be creator anymore. We don’t create tweets if you’re a marketing manager, but you will now ask ChatGPT to create 10 tweets about a certain topic, then edit it, then give it back to ChatGPT, ask to improve it, then edit it again, then test it to people, bring it back to ChatGPT, asked to edit it again, come back again, and then facilitate it into the real world. So our role changes from a creator and a manager and an administrator to become a co-creator with AI as a copilot. An editor editing what you create together and facilitate into the context which AI is not very good at.

So we facilitate real life context around us, our authentic environment, which AI cannot do yet.