
Enhance Reflective Practice: Strategies to Elevate P-12 Teaching with Feedback

A webinar featuring Dr. Debra Lively from the Saginaw Valley State University

Dr. Debra Lively, Department Chair & Professor of Teacher Education at Saginaw Valley State University, shares valuable insights and strategies on feedback techniques that cultivate reflective thinking among educators.


Erin Grubbs:

We are going to get started. So hello and welcome to our webinar today. We’re thrilled that you’re joining us and hope that you enjoy the presentation, and can walk away prepared to help teachers think reflectively about their performance. I’m Erin Grubbs, head of marketing here at GoReact, and I’ll be moderating today’s presentation.

For those of you not familiar with GoReact and why this topic is so important to us, GoReact is a video feedback solution that’s taken our 10 years of experience in helping higher ed institutions with skill development to now helping school district support teacher growth.

Before we begin, I’m going to run through a few points of housekeeping. Today’s event will last about 40, 45 minutes. That includes about 20 or 30 minutes of presentation, and about 10 or 15 minutes that we’ll leave for question and answer.

We are recording today’s presentation, so if you hop off before we finish or you want to share this recording with a colleague, we will be emailing the recording either by the end of today or tomorrow. We do want today’s presentation to be as interactive as possible. So throughout the presentation, please share your questions. To submit them to our presenter, Debbie, please use that Q&A function that you should see in Zoom. We’ll answer as many questions as we can in today’s time.

You’ll also see a chat function. Please use this to introduce yourself if you haven’t already, and tell us what school you’re with. If you have any links or relevant resources that you want to share with other attendees throughout the presentation, please use that as well. Just make sure your visibility is set to everyone. And if you experience any technical difficulties, please use that chat function to reach out.

Now, without further ado, I’m happy to be joined by our presenter, Dr. Debra Lively, department chair and professor of teacher education at Saginaw Valley State University, bringing with her about 30 years in public education. And so Debbie, I’m going to hand it over to you to get started.

Debbie Lively:

Okay. Well, it’s chilly everywhere I think today. I’m in Florida still, and it’s cold down here. And I noticed that many of you are from the Midwest where I’m flying back this weekend, and it’ll be chilly and cold there. And so I hope that I can give you some warm information about GoReact and about providing reflective feedback, really to encourage reflection for teachers.

I’ve worked for about 20 years in higher education, working with student teachers the whole time while in higher ed. But also, like Erin said, I come from 30 years of practice as a public school teacher.

So with that, let’s get going. How do you provide feedback to enhance reflection of P-12 teachers? Okay, so all right, this is not working, so I’ll have to go like this. All right, so we know that reflective practice really involves that continuous examination of your own practice, of your own teaching. And I remember the first time I ever video recorded myself, which was probably about 30 years ago with one of those big machines that you put a VHS tape in it and record yourself. And it was mind-boggling and eye-opening to see myself teaching, and really take that critical look at what I was doing, and the practices, and why I was doing what I was doing, and what content was I using to think about how I was teaching.

And so I really think it led to a lot of adaptation in my teaching, and it also led to growth and learning. I think that was really the important piece of reflective practice.

So what I’m proposing to you today is reflective practice and action. And I think of it as three phases. And I think one is your planning chat, or your conversation, or your asynchronous meeting. But I would like for you to think about having actual onsite in-person conversation chat about planning the lesson.

And then the next piece is that observation, the actual video of GoReact and how you respond to the teacher in GoReact. And then the final piece is meeting again reflectively, which I think virtually or in person could happen with the planning or the reflective piece, could be virtual or in person preferably.

So let’s talk about that planning. So the teacher has a lesson. They’re going to teach reading. And so you get a copy of the lesson, and the teacher has a lesson. So you’re going to talk about this with the teacher, maybe takes 10 to 15 minutes. It’s not really a long involved process, but it is a process that you really should spend time doing, either virtually or in person. And if you’re the building administrator, you can just walk down the hall and have this after school or whatever.

But anyway, so this planning chat is going to really clarify and identify the goals of the lesson. What does this teacher hope to teach? And then it will identify success indicators. How does the teacher know that he or she were successful in what they were doing? And then what kinds of strategies were used to make this a challenging or a successful lesson? And I’d like you to think the word challenge rather than, what didn’t go well? The idea of hey, it’s a challenge, and how are we going to fix and work with challenges?

And then you want to identify that heart. What’s the focus? If I were to say if you could video record yourself during this lesson, what would you want to see or hear you doing? What’s the focus, major focus of this conversation or this chat?

So helping them to identify and clarify. And we’ll talk about the types of questions, how to ask that. Instead of the WH questions at the beginning of a sentence, I want you to think of wiping that out of your mind and thinking of a different way of actually probing to find out, “I wonder what you think about this.” Or, “When I look at your lesson plan, I want you to specify more about your goals that you are hoping to accomplish.”

So anyway, that’s what this planning chat will do. And you’re going to do it through paralinguistics, which if you’re in person, it’s proximity. If you’re way at the door and you’re having this conversation chat, that’s going to be harder than if you’re kind of closer together, sitting down, sitting side by side or at a round table, or however you do it. And the gestures that you use, your facial expression is really important. And the intonation, how your voice goes, the ups and downs, what things you stress.

I am wondering, stressing certain vocabulary is really important, and that you pause and wait for responses. So those paralinguistics are really important. But the guts or the meat would be how you question, how you paraphrase, and what type of feedback are you providing.

And it’s taken me over 50 years and I’m still learning. It’s like when I ask a question, I think, “Oh no, you shouldn’t have done it that way. You need to think about this to push reflection.” So I’m not perfect at this and I don’t pretend to be. And I’m just sharing what I have learned over these 50 years of working in education, but I hope it’s helpful, and I hope it gives you some new ideas of how you might really encourage coaching and reflection from your teachers.

So we have that planning and then we have the actual observation using GoReact. And if you’re not familiar with GoReact, I’m going to show a slide that will just show the video part and the comment part. But you use markers. They’re called markers or tags.

We have rubrics at the university as well as in districts, there are rubrics. And you take the common theme. Let’s say it knows the content, the teacher knows their content. Well that might be a C. Well, you can make markers to fit your rubrics. So that’s really important.

My suggestion would be don’t use so many, 20 different markers or tags because that gets overwhelming and you forget what they are. But use key ones that the teacher, you and the teacher might decide on what markers or tags you want to use or they want to focus on.

We want to have comments that encourage thinking. We want to probe asking questions. Paraphrasing is so important. Paraphrasing clarifies what the teacher hopes to accomplish.

And thinking routines might be new to you, but it’s something I had training in from Harvard’s Project Zero. Our district for two years, we really focused on using thinking routines in classrooms to create a culture of thinking. Well, they can be used to enhance teacher reflection too because they’re simple, they’re quick, they’re routine based, and our brains work with routine based information.

And then the effective feedback. And I’m going to talk more about this, but I was probably the emperor of good job, way to go, high five. I don’t use that anymore. And I’ve learned through the years not to use that, and to think about what is effective when we talk about feedback.

And then of course the paralinguistics. Now you can’t do the paralinguistics unless you use capital letters in your writing like you’re shouting. Paralinguistics is used either through a video format or in a person format. But anyway, so this is the observation.

So now you’ve had your planning, now you have your observation. These are the markers or the tags. This is just an example. These are some key items that we have on our rubrics that we’ve used. And I tried to identify the number in the rubric to the actual, for example, cult content was the number one thing. Do they have knowledge of content? So markers or tags, we use these.

Although I like… If you use a marker, I really think most generally you need to have some kind of a feedback with it. What does it mean? To me, that’s not effective unless you have some kind of comment associated with it.

So you can comment through written language in GoReact. The video is to the left there and then there’s the comment. And right here, one of the things that this supervisor actually said was, “I wonder if you added body movements into this portion, if it would help their attention and help with retaining the information.” So it’s a question, and the way you question allows individuals to take risks and to be comfortable in… Because it’s all learning. We learn from our mistakes. We don’t generally learn so much from our accomplishments. You can also do commenting with words, and this would be the paralinguistics. It would be like I would comment through video.

Now I have to tell you that my students, they liked me using the video, so I’m assuming teachers would too in that, it was more about the relationship. Video allows for those paralinguistics developing relationships. They felt like I was really communicating more with them than just in written format. So I started using both, which is time-consuming. I’m not saying this is easy, but it’s well worth it. And I think it will make a critical difference. And especially if you’re an administrator in a building or you’re a mentor teacher and you’re working with a new teacher, that relationship is so important. So this would add to it.

The questions, the way we ask questions is really critical. The number one thing here is number four. They need to be non-judgmental. Because if there is ever a hint of being judgmental, that stops the communication. That stops the brain from thinking and stops the reflection.

So we want to make sure that we can challenge. It’s not saying that we can’t say anything that’s controversial. We can challenge, but we want them to be engaging, and we want them to be nonjudgmental, and encouraging them to continue in the conversation. Okay?

So why did you do it that way? Now I could say that in a way that’s not sort of judgmental. I could say, “Oh, so why did you do it that way?” I don’t think that’s so mean or anything like that. However, it’s still is more of a judgmental type of question. Might be better to say, “If you were able to redo your lesson, I wonder what you might do differently.”

So that allows for a little bit more of that risk taking and a little bit more thinking. We’re really trying to encourage reflective thinking, because remember, if you use reflection appropriately, you’re going to adapt and you’re going to grow. Okay? So questioning, absolutely key.

So I would like you to think, this is my challenge to you is how can I remove WH questions out of my repertoire of questions, even why or how, those really are, and we think of those as open-ended, but I want you to try to wipe them out because that’s the only way you can practice is by just thinking, “I can’t say that. I have to think of a different way.”

So these are some questions that really are basically at the knowledge level, but I have seen these questions asked. I have been asked these questions by an administrator to me myself. “What were the goals of your lesson?”

Now that seems like a normal question. And in that planning piece you talk about, well what are the goals? Instead, if you just change it a little bit like, “I’m wondering the goals for your lesson.” That wondering allows the brain to think more. What are your goals means there’s a right or a wrong answer, and it stops the brain from thinking as deeply as we’d like it to think. I hope this all makes sense. I hope we have questions at the end so that you might, if you want clarification on any of these.

So the other thing is that comments can be a question. How you raise your voice. And for me, when I do the I am wondering, and I put it in writing, I always want to put a question mark at it, but then the grammar always wants to correct it for me and say, “No, that’s not really a question,” but it is a question. It’s important. So let’s think of ways these two lessons are similar, and then that pausing and waiting. They’ll respond. A teacher will respond. “Tell me what made you think that this strategy was engaging to the students. Tell me what you think.” We want them to be thought-provoking, open-ended. But I think the most important is that risk taking. Because if we don’t take a risk to really evaluate how we’re teaching, it’s going to be harder for us to improve our practice. Okay?

So these are the kinds of questions that I think support reflection. Tell me the kinds of, using a plural kinds. If I said tell me the kind, that’s more specific and more right or wrong answer. But if I say, “Tell me the kinds,” just adding that S, that plural to that word makes a difference. I wonder how you check to make sure the children were understanding the content instead of, did you check to see if the students were understanding the content?

Describe your transition. I use a lot of describe, tell, share with me. I wonder. This one, using the word might instead of how could you do that differently? That is more judgmental. But might, I use might in a lot of communication that I do because I have learned would you or could you is really that more judgmental vocab that’s being used.

And then, “I wondered what you saw in your video that encouraged you to select the behavior marker.” Instead of saying, if you’re marking in GoReact and you’re typing comments and you see that they did behavior and say, “Oh, that was a neat strategy that you used for your behavior to control the children’s behavior.” Instead, let them identify, what was it about that strategy that they were able to control the children’s behavior?

So I do a lot more questioning in my commenting in GoReact than I ever did before. Before I was telling, “Oh, you did this or you did that,” and I’ve really switched, but it has taken me a long time in doing that. Yeah, and might is possible. It could be tentative language. Yes, that’s exactly correct. It is more tentative, which then again also allows a person to make a response more genuinely, I think.

So the other thing, so questioning is important, paraphrasing is important. And paraphrasing allows us to make sure that we’re understanding, and that the teacher knows that we are understanding what is happening here. We acknowledge their feelings, we acknowledge the content. And we kind of summarize and synthesize what they hope to accomplish.

So there are different levels of paraphrasing, and some of this might be old to some of you. But just as a refresher, acknowledging and clarifying would be, “It seems like you are frustrated because you are wondering about how to transition the children from this activity to that activity. It seems like you are concerned that,” summarizing. So you have two concerns.

And summarizing, they might have two or three concerns going on. And so you want to find out on one hand you want this, but on the other hand you’re thinking that. And then moving to another level. So a belief that you hold is such and such. An example would be… So again, it’s really taking their information and making it more understandable, making it clearer.

Now this is the thinking routine. So we have questioning, paraphrasing, and now thinking routines. And you can go to Project Zero. If you are not using thinking routines in your schools, you want to create a culture of thinking for your children, absolutely. You should be thinking about using thinking routines. They’re amazing. A culture of thinking, on chart out of Harvard. Using these routines, they’re simple, they’re quick, they’re easy. I use them in my courses. I use them when I go into classrooms and do teaching.

But see, think, wonder. Tell me what you see. Tell me what you think. Tell me what you wonder. For me, I used to think the markers were the be all end all. Now I realize that in order for me to use markers or tags in GoReact, I also need to ask questions or pose a comment, that they’re not the be all end all sitting by themselves. Okay?

Connecting. Well, how does this connect with what you already know? How does this extend your learning? How does it challenge? The activity that you used with the children, how did this connect with what you already know about teaching? How did this extend your teaching? And what challenges? Describe some of the challenges that you face.

So thinking routines are really, really critical. And in the resources, I put a link. You can go to Project Zero and look at core thinking routines. And I would really encourage, if you’re an administrator, find out more about thinking routines. Not just when you’re looking at evaluation or helping, coaching, supporting teachers, helping them teach reflectively. But you’re also thinking about the children and how that creates that culture of thinking.

So routines and action, describe some of the strategies you see in your teaching. This would be a see, think, wonder. Share what you think about the strategies that you used, and identify what you wonder about those strategies in your teaching. Very simple, very routine based, but really helps the brain structure that reflective practice. I’m not going to read the other two to you. I think that we’ll just take a second. You can look at them. I love that I used to think, now I think routine. Okay.

So think about using these strategies when you are working with a newer teacher or older teacher. Or seasoned, I should say seasoned teacher. When you’re working, think about using the I wonder statements. Think about commenting to gather more information rather than, “I have to ask a question.” Tell me what makes you think that.

Because really if someone says something you might want to find deeper. “Well, so I’m wondering what makes you think that. Where does that come from?” Describe, using the word describe, using those plurals. “I used to think, now I think,” and other thinking routines. Connect, extend, challenge.

So this is the one last thing before I get to the final part of the piece of this, the planning, the GoReact. When you’re providing comments, stay away from good job well done. That’s general. That doesn’t mean anything.

Even as a teacher, I go in classrooms and I hear good job well done, or, “Way to go, give me a high five.” That doesn’t really tell them what did they do well at. So we really need to think about if we’re providing general feedback, and as administrators or mentors, what does your feedback look like to your teachers?

“Oh, you are an excellent teacher.” Well, I like to hear that. “Oh, you’re an excellent teacher, you’re an excellent presenter,” but that’s really evaluative. And what does it mean? What does being an excellent teacher mean? “Your classroom management is amazing compared to many other teachers. Oh man, you just are a standout in my building.” Well, that’s really nice, but not really in a way that creates a competitive community.

And we really want a collaborative community. We want a helping community. We can all learn from each other. And that just makes it more competitive, comparative. “Keep up the good work and you’ll get a job.” Well, that’s not what we want to hear either. Those are considered negative feedback.

Now mind you, I used to be doing some of these things. And it’s been through time and thinking, reflection, actually that deep reflection, looking at content, what really does work to really support effective change. It’s not these comments.

So we need feedback to be acknowledged, be specific. Compare with oneself. It’s okay to compare, but you need to compare with how I’ve done things before. Linking actions to enjoyment and attribute success. The number one, actually, attributing success to effort is so huge in improving reflection and improving practice. The effort that you put into your teaching makes such a difference for the children.

“It’s obvious to me that you took a long time to prepare this lesson to make sure that you included blah, blah, blah, blah, blah. That’s the effort, that effort that you put into this.”

So these are just some examples. I’m not going to read every one of them to you, but these are some things that I have started using. I make sure I never say I like the way that you did something, because that’s again evaluative. And I really needs to be taken out of the equation. If we’re going to really improve someone’s practice, they have to like it. So I always start with you, because then that helps me not say, “I like the way you did that,” because that’s easy to just come out, or good job. It’s easy to say. But really thinking about that effective feedback.

So we had the planning. Then we had the observation through GoReact, and you’re responding written or you’re responding via the video recording piece. And then you’re going to meet with the teacher maybe 10 minutes later, and you’re going to have a reflective chat. Or if you’re actually doing the video with the teacher, you meet right after. Then you can also have this reflective chat. Just takes a couple minutes. And in this reflective chat, you want to find out as they watch the video, what connects them with what they’ve learned?

So when you want them to summarize, “How do you think this went? Describe some of the challenges. Describe some of the things that you felt really comfortable with.” Then you want to analyze the teaching.

So analyzing, you might want to relate it to what you had planned. How did this go along with what you planned? Any connections that you made with what you had planned. And then you want really to have them construct new learning. How are they going to move forward?

So from what you observed in your video, I’m wondering the kinds of things that you might like to use in another teaching demonstration or another time when you’re teaching. Share those ideas with me.

The idea that it’s a reflective chat, that you’re having a chat. And I called it a chat because it’s really about a 10 minute. It’s just kind of going through, how did it go, how do you think it went? Some of the positives that you felt and some of the challenges. Then analyzing it and then moving forward. What kinds of things are you going to take from this and move forward in future lessons? So again, that’s just that example of having that conversation.

So let’s revisit. You have the planning, then you have the observation, and then you have the reflective chat. And being in a building with a teacher is a lot easier to execute some of these things than actually if you’re a supervisor, because your planning might be a lesson plan. You get a lesson plan from a student, but you don’t necessarily have the time nor the student has the time to meet for the planning, which makes it difficult when they’re student teaching. Now you have more time to do that if it’s in the methods course.

But anyway, in a building, you can meet for 10 minutes. Then you can video record. You can have the conversation right after you video record that day. Or you can post a video recording, have the teacher respond to it, you respond to it, and then you meet to just have a reflective conference or chat at the end.

So that’s what I have for you today. And I guess my question to you is, how are you going to encourage that deeper reflection of your teachers in your building to create that community of learners, create that community of thinkers?

I think GoReact has done a lot to really help me, my students think more reflectively and think more critically, because it gives you that time that you can do that. It’s kind of like a stacked up assignment, so it really has helped.

So I hope what I shared with you, it helps you as you move forward. As a teacher, I think, “Wow, this would’ve been fabulous if I could have had this opportunity when I was in the classroom,” if my administrator… I can remember administrators coming in, taking notes, leaving, and then basically telling me what they thought I did well or what I need to improve on. I was just kind of the bystander in this.

But GoReact really helps you to be interactive and really helps you and your mentor or your administrator really be a partner. So anyway, I hope this is helpful. Any questions?

Erin Grubbs:

We do have a few questions coming in. Thank you, Debbie. That was great. One of the questions is, do you have any suggestions on how to structure these coaching conversations when interaction is virtual, and meetings are done as a small group instead of one-on-one?

Debbie Lively:

Well, I’ve done that before with my students. That wouldn’t necessarily be with P-12 teachers, but it would be in a university environment, where I’ve had small group. Actually in my small groups, my teachers, I give them access to each other videos, and they are responsible for going in and commenting and marking, making the markers or tags for at least two other students.

And what this has done, this has increased their ability because we talk about this presentation that I did, I actually do this presentation to help my students understand the importance of questioning, the understanding importance of paraphrasing the understanding of effective feedback.

Actually when I observe, I take a little tally if I hear good job and that with them, so they know. But it really helps them when they’re reflecting on somebody else’s video, it helps them be more thoughtful.

So I’ve done it in a group that way, planning, and they’ve shared their plan and then someone else has shared a plan. We have a time limit and they have to listen and then they provide feedback. So that’s been helpful to teach them how to think more deeply about reflection.

Erin Grubbs:

Yeah, no, that’s great. Peer reviews are definitely something that we see across K-12 and teacher education programs. So I like that answer. This next one, I think you should be able to answer it, but if not, I’ve got a little bit of context on it, but they’re mentioning that they don’t use GoReact. But can them as a supervisor do the recording rather than having your student intern use it?

Debbie Lively:

You can, and that’s what I did before. Because before GoReact, I took video of all my students. I took my iPad or phone, and then we’d sit and watch it. But GoReact just makes it so much easier. Plus, it provides a forum where you have something saved.

When you watch a video with a student or somebody and you have a conversation, you don’t have it saved. So it’s hard to remember exactly some of the things. But in GoReact, you do have it.

Now you could video record yourself having a conference. That would be one thing you could do. But GoReact has been… And it’s easy to use. And I’m not in their marketing or anything like that. For me it was like, “I can’t believe this tool exists and we get to use it,” because I used video before all the time anyway.

Erin Grubbs:

Yeah, no, I think that’s good. From my side, I’ve heard some of the K-12 districts are using it to help with time savings with coaches. So they model their lesson and then share it to their student interns or to their mentees and then allow them to reflect on what they’re doing well, so they’re not having to recreate the lesson over and over. So I think there’s some time savings there for them. Another question that came in says, “How do you end a reflection without saying good job”?

Debbie Lively:

You just don’t say good job. You just end a reflection and just saying, “Well, it seems like you are going to move forward with some of the things that we discussed.” What was it that they did that really gives you that concrete information? Or, “It seems like through your reflections you have a handle on how to transition kids. You have a handle on how to manage your class. You also really demonstrated some strong ways to encourage kids to think critically.” That’s the way you end it. You have to end it with the information instead of good job. And that’s it. Then when you say that, that teacher will sit there and think, “Whoa, I really encourage critical thinking. I’m going to do this more.” So it’s just you end it with effective, what did they do that made you think, good job? What made you say that? That’s one of the thinking routines. What made you say that?

Erin Grubbs:

Yeah. No, I think this next question goes along with that nicely and would love to understand it a little. So Lisa says she’s been an educator for 35 years and is in a new role that involves coaching and supervising. How long did it take you to get over the WH questions and the eyelight? Trying to break old habits is challenging. So if you have any tips, that would be helpful.

Debbie Lively:

It is challenging. Well, one of the things I did is I took and I wrote comments, and I pasted them on my wall, comments. And for me, this is terrible. I probably shouldn’t even say this, but I would put good job up there, and I put a big red X on it. And then I put WH, and a big red X on it because for me… And I must’ve been taught through negative feedback as a kid, because to me that was a reminder, “Debbie, think of something different.”

And then I had some of the positive phrase, like things like you, and then I would put dot-dot-dot so that I would try to always start with you instead of anything else. “You really push your kids’ thinking by using the thinking routines see, think, wonder.”

I had to put the red X on them and then I had to put a couple examples of the way I should say it, but I always had those visual. And I had, when I would be using GoReact, or even in discussion, I had a little cheat card with I had some examples of what I might say.

Because it’s real easy to go back to, “Good job. I like the way you had the children on task,” instead of, “I like the way you had the children on task,” say, “You had those children on task for 20 minutes. It seems like your voice, your pausing, you were engaging, you were moving, your proximity, you got close to the kids, really made a difference.” So hope that helps.

It’s hard though. Like I say, I’ve been doing this over 50 years and I still slip. So give yourself a break. Don’t beat yourself up. It’s a learning process. I hope when I die though, I can say that I really made the big change.

Erin Grubbs:

No, that’s great. I think we’ve got time for one more question, and this one might be a little bit more GoReact specific for you, but how does the teacher view their video? So when you’re talking about that reflective chat, how have they seen your comments, and how do you ensure that they know what you’re talking about?

Debbie Lively:

I’m sorry, you cut out just at the end. Can you…

Erin Grubbs:

Yeah, no, I can repeat it. So I think this is in context of how you’re using GoReact, but how does the teacher view their video and your feedback before you go into that reflective chat?

Debbie Lively:

Well, the first time that anybody’s video recorded… And luckily we use GoReact now for a long time. So they’re recorded in their methods courses. So I don’t really have to deal with the first, but I did when I first started, because I was the only one using it. First, they look, “Oh my gosh, look at my hair. Oh, I look stupid. I don’t like the way, oh, look what I did.” And they’re all nervous about it.

But that’s why it’s the way you have the conversation, the planning conversation. Then you watch the video and you just have to say, “Okay, this is normal. We all have this reaction when we see ourselves on camera. But now we have to really think about it. So let’s if you can, put how you look aside and let’s talk about the guts, what’s really going on.” I’ve had students that just like… But as they watch each other’s videos, and they become skillful in the way they provide comments. And my goal is if they can provide comments to other students in a positive way, then that’s going to transfer hopefully to the kids that they’re teaching.

I want them to give the children that they’re teaching or the families that they work with this type of questioning or paraphrasing, because it shows a genuine concern and kindness too.

So yeah. It’s hard at first, but they get over it. It just takes a minute and they have to do it more often. Like I say, when I first saw myself, I thought, “Look at my hair. I look fat. I look this. I look that.” I didn’t like the clothes. I wasn’t even focusing on my teaching until I had someone say, “Okay, let’s talk about your teaching, Debbie.” So anyway.

Erin Grubbs:

Nice. Thank you, Debbie. So I think that concludes our presentation. I don’t see any other questions that have come in. So thank you, Debbie, for this excellent presentation. I think you provided a lot of valuable information and some key takeaways to help make a shift in that reflective practice.

I want to thank all of our attendees for joining us, and taking time out of their day, and making this an interactive presentation. Watch for an email with a link to the recording and the slides, so that you can revisit and share the great information and insights from today’s discussion. We hope to see you on a future GoReact webinar. Have a great day. Bye guys.