A webinar on the impact video self-reflection has on teacher practice
Watch this on-demand webinar featuring Dr. DiCarlo, expert in early childhood education and co-author of The Impact of Video Self-Reflection on Teacher Practice. Discover how video self-reflection empowers teachers to refine their instructional practices and improve CLASS scores.
In this webinar, you’ll learn:
Cynthia Fontcuberta DiCarlo, Ph.D., Diane Toups Goyette Professor in Early Childhood Education, is the Executive Director of the Early Childhood Education Institute at Louisiana State University, which serves as a hub for researchers focusing on young children, birth to age 3. DiCarlo is also Coordinator of the Early Childhood Education Teacher Education Program and oversees the Early Childhood Education Laboratory Preschool, a research and model demonstration site. DiCarlo's research focuses on interventions to improve outcomes for young children and clarification and innovations in recommended practices in early childhood. Prior to joining LSU in 2004, she was a Clinical Assistant Professor at LSU Health Sciences Center (New Orleans). DiCarlo has been recognized for her research, teaching and service. She has incorporated her passion for research into the courses she teaches and her work in mentoring undergraduate and graduate students. . She currently serves on the editorial boards for Infants & Young Children, the Journal of Teacher Action Research, and Beyond Behavior.