Teacher Education

Instant Feedback for Deeper Learning

A short video clip demonstrating how the AI Assistant in GoReact can enhance in-person observations for teacher candidates

Hear how teacher educators can use the AI Assistant in GoReact to deepen self-reflection and improve in-person observations.


Sam Butterfield:

I can tell you from… I’m not trying to brag, but I did well in school. I was a pretty good student. I got good grades, especially particularly within my teacher education courses and methods courses, but I was nervous. I was probably one of those candidates that was like, “Yeah, we’ll visit them, we’ll give them feedback,” but it wasn’t as robust as I felt like maybe internally I wanted. I was nervous for that next stage.

I think probably if not all, most are feeling that same way. They feel like they could use as much help is possible, but that is a tall task to put on a program who supervisors are already visiting three, four, five, sometimes even more candidates and sometimes they’re in far away areas where there’s travel and all that associated with it. That’s a tall task to be able to ask programs to be fully available for students, all students at all times to be able to give feedback and help them improve. That’s where we took the AI side.

We said, “Hey, we don’t want to take away from the instructor being in the classroom for the instructor giving scores for all of that stuff that an instructor needs to be involved with, but we do want to provide an additional support system. We want to provide a place for videos or for students to be able to record sessions in the classroom and to receive instant feedback, even if my supervisor isn’t available, and maybe I don’t want them to have to watch 20 of my sessions, but I do want to get feedback. Then if there’s a session that I see that I may need additional help with or something, I can share all those videos directly with my supervisor, with my cooperating teacher, with my peers, instructors, and allow them to jump on board and give me that additional feedback.”