Teacher Education
Collect peer and mentor feedback and rubric scoring in a single video assignment
Relevant and valid feedback, along with seamless LMS integration for rubric scoring, makes both observers and students happy.
Dawn Thompson:
I’d like to share an example of an assignment and how we’re using GoReact and how those comments are all integrated within the assignment. So this is Canvas. If you don’t use Canvas, you probably use a similar LMS. We’ve just got the description of the assignment and then at the bottom, this link that loads GoReact. So we’ve linked it right into Canvas. In this particular assignment, teachers were supposed to try, we listed a bunch of teaching strategies, something that’s new to them, not necessarily new to teaching, but something new to the teacher that they’ve never tried before and would like to try. So we’ve asked them to plan a short learning activity using a new strategy and then video it and upload it into GoReact. So I’m going to…
I’m not going to play the video for you, but this is one of the videos that was uploaded and over here what I want you to see is what the student then is able to see. You’ll notice, so this is a peer, so we have a peer that has given some feedback at specific time spots. And I think somebody mentioned this earlier in the chat. You just start typing down here in the comment, you watch the video and as you start typing, it stops the video. As soon as you hit enter, it restarts the video. So it’s really nice and simple to use. This is the alternative program, so it’s older, non-traditional students. They found this very easy to use and they really don’t… I’ve had almost no complaints about it at all, at least not the comment part.
Down along the bottom here in this particular, we’ve got three things that we wanted to look for, meeting the instructional objective, student engagement, and then communication with students. So you’ll see here this is one of our mentors. She made some comments and used the markers to show where specific things were happening within the video. And then you’ll notice here, this is the student himself responding back to the mentor, as well as to his peer in regards to what was happening in the video. For people in a distance program, that has been very useful and has allowed them to have some interaction with others and not just simply reflect on the video, watch your video and reflect on it. We ask them to look for certain things and to comment on certain things. And then we also ask the mentor to do so as well.
So over here we’ve also got a rubric set up and you’ll notice when I click on it, it wants me to score the video because I’m also a teacher in the course. But I can go back and look at the mentor’s scoring of this particular assignment and once she scores it and posts it, it puts it here, but it also feeds it directly back into Canvas. And if I were to do a second rubric and score it and if my score were different from the mentor, it would average those two rubric scores and feed the average back into Canvas as the score for that assignment. So I really think that that’s a nice feature.