Teacher Education
A short video on how GoReact enables real-time observations and precise coaching to develop teacher trainees
Hear from a senior lecturer at University of Derby on how GoReact is used to deliver instructional coaching for remote observations.
Jayne Leggott:
Our lesson observations are remote so we’re there, like I said, we are there in the moment in real time, but we are there virtually and we also have a mentor who will be there actually in real life. So we’re able to see the full classroom, we’re able to see the teacher and we are able to comment on the platform live. So it’s possible to comment using predetermined markers which we put in against our assessment frameworks, which are our university derby first assessment frameworks, which it’s tied tightly to the teacher standards and we can flag during that lesson and comment according to those markers, which is really powerful because it’s our in the moment reflections which can then mirror the mentors reflections. I think it’s also important because this ability to watch the session back and review practice to see exactly what was said, what was done, and then the precise impact of this, we found it an incredibly powerful tool for developing practice and the one that’s been really embraced by the students and the mentors we work with, the mentors tend to get very excited by this.
It feeds into our direct instructional coaching approach. It allows us to capture at any set moment it is easy to pause, to look at the precise action and clearly see the impact of those actions and then link it back to our assessment frameworks so that we can set those very targeted and very precise action sets.