Teacher Education

Using AI to Support Students Through Better Feedback

A short video clip explaining how a professor at Fayetteville State University uses AI for positive constructive feedback

Hear how this professor uses AI for positive, constructive feedback to build competency and confidence in students.


Pete Morgan:

Now I’m going to shift to Kimberly here because as we think about efficiency to support development, I want to talk to you Kimberly and ask you around, you think that there’s a certain use for AI that makes teachers feel more supported, especially in your area as we think about professional development, mathematics, science. In that context, is there a way that AI is going to help us feel or help teachers feel more supported?

Kimberly Smith-Burton:

I do believe it does, and I’m just going to tell from a professor point of view from higher ed. I also teach an undergraduate math course for our education majors. So a number of them are elementary ed and they really do not like math that much, and they don’t feel very confident in their abilities. So one of the things that I do is I create feedback to them. For instance, they have a group discussion board where I have 40 students in my class. I have 10 discussion groups. So there are about five people within that group. So they’re given a riddle that they have to solve. And once they put their solution in there, then they’ll see my solution. But I usually give them feedback after I see that they’ve uploaded their solution and then they’re helping one another within the class or within their discussion board group.

But my feedback that I give to them, I use AI to help me with my feedback. So what I will do is I will write the prompt to give them specific feedback, be very gentle with them, giving them pointers on how they can better answer the question. If they answered it correctly, I’ll give them really glowing feedback about what they did well. So AI, I believe helps foster their confidence in being able to teach math. And I do get a lot of really good glowing recommendations or comments on my final evaluation about how supportive I was of them, how they feel more comfortable solving the math problems because they can actually see where they went wrong. And this is all done online. This class is taught online. So it can be very daunting for someone who’s not good in math. So I think that that’s how AI can help support professors or teachers to give very positive, constructive feedback in a way that makes the student build their confidence in that particular content area.