Teacher Education

Bridging Theory & Practice With Video Assessment: Insights From Eastern Kentucky University

Bridging Theory & Practice With Video Assessment: Insights From Eastern Kentucky University

At our recent ReAction Virtual conference, Dr. Emily Zuccaro and Dr. William Thornburgh from Eastern Kentucky University (EKU) shared their insights on using video assessment technology to enhance teacher preparation. Their session focused on bridging the gap between theory and practice, especially for students in rural and remote placements.

Leveraging Video Assessment Tools for Rural Teacher Education

Dr. Zuccaro highlighted the unique challenges faced by EKU, a regional comprehensive institution located in rural Appalachian Kentucky. Many of their students return to their home communities to complete their clinical hours, often in remote and rural settings. To support these students, EKU has been exploring the use of technology, including GoReact, to maintain strong faculty oversight and support.

“GoReact offers a supportive tool for our clinical educators, students in clinical settings, and faculty, helping us keep up EKU support even as our students return to rural settings,” Dr. Zuccaro explained. GoReact enables more consistent and immediate feedback, bridging the gap between the university and the students’ remote placements.

"GoReact offers a supportive tool for our clinical educators, students in clinical settings, and faculty, helping us keep up EKU support even as our students return to rural settings." -Dr. Emily Zuccaro, Associate Professor, Eastern Kentucky University

Enhancing Pre-Service Teacher Practices

The session emphasized the importance of integrating GoReact into teacher preparation programs to enhance pre-service teachers’ practices. Dr. Zuccaro and Dr. Thornburgh outlined several key areas where GoReact can make a significant impact:

Teacher Noticing: A framework that helps teachers identify noteworthy events in the classroom. Using video-based technology like GoReact, pre-service teachers can record lessons, receive timestamped feedback, and reflect on their pedagogical decisions

Immediate vs. Delayed Feedback: GoReact allows for immediate feedback during lessons, as opposed to the traditional method of observing and providing feedback afterward. This in-the-moment feedback helps pre-service teachers make real-time adjustments and learn more effectively. “Video doesn’t lie,” Dr. Thornburgh noted, explaining that video assessment tools provide evidence that makes debriefs even more effective

Bridging Educational Theory and Classroom Reality: Using GoReact, pre-service teachers can connect what they’ve learned in their university courses with the real-world experience of teaching in a classroom. This helps make the transition from student to teacher smoother and less overwhelming. 

Remote Observations and Expansion Opportunities

Video assessment tools like GoReact are key to being able to facilitate remote observations.. For instance, Dr. Thornburgh mentioned observing a student teacher in Texas from their location in Kentucky, highlighting how video connects educators and students across distances while saving faculty time and money from not having to travel to observe 

Hear from another university on how GoReact is better than Zoom, FaceTime and other tools for remote observations.

Additionally, EKU uses GoReact for group learning and peer review. For example, science education students record and review each other’s lessons, fostering a collaborative learning environment. This approach not only enriches their learning experiences but also prepares them for real-world teaching challenges.

Looking ahead, Dr. Zuccaro and Dr. Thornburgh envision expanding the use of GoReact beyond teacher ed. Other departments at EKU have already started adopting the technology to support skill-development with their students, and they anticipate this interest will grow. 

Video Assessment Tools are the Future 

The insights shared by Dr. Zuccaro and Dr. Thornburgh at ReAction underscore the transformative potential of GoReact in teacher preparation programs. By leveraging technology, EKU is bridging the gap between theory and practice, providing pre-service teachers with the tools and support they need to succeed in diverse and often challenging educational settings

For faculty involved in teacher preparation, these strategies and insights offer a valuable framework for integrating technology into your programs, enhancing the learning experiences of pre-service teachers, and ultimately improving educational outcomes.

Watch this and other sessions from ReAction virtual, the skills-based learning conference.