See how ASL instructors develop and teach hybrid courses, and learn about the pros, cons, and potential pitfalls of offering hybrid sign language courses
See how ASL instructors develop and teach hybrid courses, and learn about the pros, cons, and potential pitfalls of offering hybrid sign language courses
See how using stimulus assignments in ASL courses encourages language competency and growth in students’ receptive and expressive skills
See how ASL instructors develop and teach hybrid courses, and learn about the pros, cons, and potential pitfalls of offering hybrid sign language courses
See how competency-based education can be implemented into teaching strategies and assessment of learning
See how a Sim-IPE can be used to help healthcare students recognize and reduce the possibility of cognitive bias to improve patient outcomes
See how recorded video feedback creates efficiencies for nurse educators, improves nursing students’ psychomotor skills, and provides evidence of clinical readiness
See how strategies that colleges of education and their K-12 partners are implementing can help increase the number and diversity of teacher candidates
See how tailoring feedback to the recipient and using video in a purposeful way adds power to feedback delivered for professional learning
See how to help preservice educators develop a digital growth mindset and become digitally competent