Higher Education

Enhancing STEM Education With Video Assessment

Enhancing STEM Education With Video Assessment

Imagine a classroom where every student’s unique learning style is catered to, where complex concepts are broken down with personalized feedback, and where even the most intricate STEM assignments are easily assessed from anywhere. This is what’s possible when combining video assessment technology with STEM education.

As the trends and best practices for teaching STEM evolve, so too must our tools and methods for ensuring students grasp these critical subjects. In this blog, we’ll explore how video assessment technology can enhance STEM education — making it more effective, interactive, and accessible than ever before.

Advancements in STEM Education Technology

The integration of cutting-edge technology in STEM classrooms, such as robotics kits, 3D-printers, and advanced software, has revolutionized hands-on learning. But to maximize the potential of these technologies, you’ll need the right tools and educational approach. Video assessment enables students to work uninterrupted, capturing their learning process in real time. Teachers can then review these recordings to provide detailed feedback on complex procedures. This method allows educators to carefully evaluate student performance, ensuring that each step in a complicated task is understood and executed correctly. By using video assessment, students receive constructive feedback that helps them refine their skills and grasp intricate concepts more effectively.

Trends in STEM Education

STEM educators have increasingly recognized the importance of catering to diverse learning styles. Multimodal learning, which incorporates various methods to deliver information, ensures that students can engage with material in ways that suit their individual preferences. 

Video assessment plays a crucial role in this approach by allowing teachers to analyze how well students absorb information through different modalities. By reviewing students’ recorded performances, educators can identify the most effective teaching methods for each learner and adapt their strategies accordingly. Additionally, video assessment enables teachers to reflect on their own instructional techniques — ensuring they incorporate multiple learning methods in their lessons to enhance overall educational outcomes.

Female STEM education student using a microscope during a video assessment

Video Assessments Allow for More Hybrid and Remote Learning

The rise of hybrid and remote learning has presented unique challenges in instructing and assessing STEM disciplines. Video assessment provides a viable solution to these challenges, allowing educators to deliver and evaluate complex coursework effectively from anywhere. Joshua Hardt, a Geology Professor at Odessa College, emphasizes the impact of video tools in his asynchronous online courses:

"We use GoReact as our video assessment and feedback tool, and it has improved the quality of my online courses as much as any other tool I've used. My students can ask questions right at the moment they have them while watching my lectures. This ability to communicate instantly helps them grasp complex concepts much more effectively."

Video assessment allows for continuous interaction between students and teachers, even in a remote setting. By reviewing recorded lab work or presentations, educators can provide timely and specific feedback, helping students understand and improve their performance. This approach fosters a more interactive and engaging learning environment, which is crucial for maintaining student interest and comprehension in an online format.

Supporting Lab Work and Presentations

STEM assignments often involve hands-on lab work or presentations that can be challenging to assess through traditional methods, especially in a remote setting. Video assessment bridges this gap by allowing students to record their experiments or presentations and submit them for evaluation. Teachers can then review these recordings in detail, offering precise feedback on each aspect of the assignment. This method not only supports the development of practical skills but also ensures that students receive personalized guidance to enhance their learning experience.

GIF of a man providing video feedback

Fostering Problem-Solving and Critical-Thinking Skills

Developing problem-solving and critical-thinking skills is a core objective of STEM education. Video assessment contributes to this goal by providing a platform for students to demonstrate their reasoning and analytical processes. Teachers can observe and evaluate how students approach and solve problems — offering insights into their thought processes and areas for improvement. By receiving targeted feedback, students can refine their problem-solving strategies and develop a deeper understanding of the subject matter.

Emphasis on Digital Literacy

Incorporating video assessment in STEM education also promotes digital literacy, an essential skill in today’s technology-driven world. By engaging with video assessment platforms, students become more comfortable interacting with digital tools — enhancing their overall technological proficiency. Reviewing videos together to share feedback provides an opportunity for students to navigate and use digital interfaces, which better prepares them for future academic and professional endeavors.

Video Assessment Tools Take Learning to a New Level

As STEM education continues to evolve, integrating video assessment technology like GoReact offers a powerful tool to enhance teaching and learning experiences. By supporting improvements in classroom technology, multimodal learning, hybrid and remote instruction, and fostering critical skills, GoReact provides a comprehensive solution for modern STEM education challenges. Educators like Joshua Hardt have seen significant benefits in their teaching practices, highlighting the transformative potential of video feedback in enriching STEM education:

“With GoReact, my students can leave video or audio questions if they don’t want to type, making it easier for them to engage with the material regardless of their situation. This flexibility is crucial for students in an asynchronous online course.”

Embracing video assessment not only improves educational outcomes but also prepares students for a future where digital literacy and technological competence are prerequisites for so many industries. 

Learn more about how GoReact can enhance your institution’s STEM teaching practices to drive deeper learning and help students develop essential skills they need for successful careers.