
Navigating edTPA With Dr. Lisa Barron [Podcast]

A blog post featuring an interview with Dr. Lisa Barron about helping teacher educators succeed with edTPA


Teacher Education | 11 MINUTE READ

Preservice Teachers Can Handle the Feedback [Podcast]

A blog post featuring an interview with Dr. Amy Broemmel and Dr. Jennifer Jordan about helping teacher candidates handle hard feedback and autonomy in the classroom

Teacher Education | 3 MINUTE READ

Crushing CAEP Accreditation Standard 4

A blog post to help you satisfy the challenging aspects of CAEP accreditation Standard 4

Teacher Education | 10 MINUTE READ

How Video Conquers the 5 CAEP Standards

A blog post explaining why many teacher educators believe recording student teachers in the classroom is the best way to help them meet CAEP standards

Teacher Education | 3 MINUTE READ

The Beginner’s Guide to CAEP Accreditation

A blog post that sheds light on all things CAEP: the standards, the accreditation process, and the stipulation

Teacher Education | 3 MINUTE READ

How Technology Helps Solve the Teacher Shortage in Rural Areas

A blog post about how the right technology can help teacher ed programs address the teacher shortage everywhere

Teacher Education | 3 MINUTE READ

What is Summative Assessment?

A blog post that explains how summative assessment provides a “sum total” view of final educational outcomes

Teacher Education | 3 MINUTE READ

What is Formative Assessment?

A blog post about why formative assessments is one of the most effective educational innovations to hit modern classrooms

Teacher Education | < 1 MINUTE READ

30 Fresh Ideas for Adding Formative Assessment to Your Teaching

A blog post with ideas for easily using formative assessment in your courses

Teacher Education | 2 MINUTE READ

5 Tips to Make Teacher Evaluation Forms That Work

A blog post with tips for developing an effective teacher evaluation form