
Instructing and Assessing for Jobs That Don’t Exist Yet

A blog post on why what happens in today’s classroom should be focused on building skills for jobs that don’t yet exist


Higher Education | 5 MINUTE READ

Launch Your Career-Ready Graduates With These 5 Expert Tips (and Pitfalls to Avoid)

A blog with tips for preparing students for success and challenges they will face beyond the classroom

Nursing Education | 2 MINUTE WATCH

Tips for Teaching & Evaluating Communication in a Virtual Environment

Find out the key ingredients for making instruction and assessment successful without being in person

Nursing Education | 1 MINUTE WATCH

A Free App for Teaching Communication to Nursing Students

With the COMFORT Communications App, you’ll have easy access to knowledge-based resources for building communication skills in students

Nursing Education | 1 MINUTE WATCH

Three Key Learning Objectives To Teach the Concept of Communication

A short video clip outlining the three areas of communication competency that should be assessed

Nursing Education | 1 MINUTE WATCH

Teaching Communication Skills Comes Down to 3 Things

A short video clip explaining the three things we are asking students to do when learning communication skills

Teacher Education | < 1 MINUTE READ

Do Teachers Have to Be Master Presenters?

A blog post explaining why communication skills are the secret to helping students learn fast