
Feedback Frenzy: Making the Most of Feedback in Communication

A blog post about giving feedback, handling feedback, and finding feedback


Communication | < 1 MINUTE READ

DIY: The Presentation Harness for All Your Words

A blog post about the importance of harnessing (or controlling) your words during presentations

Communication | 2 MINUTE READ

Warning: Hidden Agendas Can Kill Your Presentation

A blog post presenting four ways to organize your agenda to help your audience understand it better

Communication | 3 MINUTE READ

Presentation Tools: 3 Visuals You Need to Know More About

A blog post to help you use three presentation tools better: cartoons, images, and videos

Communication | 8 MINUTE READ

Bottom-Up Outlining: Your brain’s natural method for organizing data

A blog post explaining why imposing structure on our brains is essential for clear communication